Legal Information

Welcome to our Disclosures page where you can find all the necessary legal information, privacy statements, disclaimers, and regulatory documents related to our company.

At Newbridge, we believe in fostering transparent relationships with our clients and adhering to the highest standards of regulatory compliance. To help you make informed decisions, we provide you with essential disclosures, such as Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI), the Client Relationship Summary (CRS), and Form ADV. These documents are designed to ensure you understand our services, fees, and potential conflicts of interest, as well as your rights and responsibilities as a client. We encourage you to carefully review the information provided and reach out to our team with any questions or concerns. Your trust and satisfaction are our top priorities as we work together to achieve your financial goals.


Find answers to common questions about our disclosures and company policies.

What are disclosures?

Disclosures refer to the legal documents that provide important information about our services, fees, and potential risks.

How do I access disclosures?

You can access our disclosures by clicking on the links in the above section or by contacting your advisor.

How can I request more information?

If you need more information about our disclosures, please contact our  team. They will be happy to assist you.

Can I download PDFs?

Yes, you can download PDFs of our privacy statements, disclaimers, business continuity plans, and other important documents from the 'Disclosures' section on our website.

Where can I find the contact information?

You can find our contact information at the bottom of every page of our website. We have provided our phone number, email address, and office locations for your convenience.

How can I reach customer support?

To reach our customer support team, you can call our toll-free number or send us an email. You may also contact your financial advisor for assistance.

What if I still have questions?

If you still have questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your advisor or our team. We are here to help.

What is the best way to contact you?

The best way to contact us is by calling your advisor or our toll-free number. Our customer support team is available Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

We're committed to serving you

Get in touch

How can we assist you today? Let us know what services you are interested in.
1200 North Federal Highway
Suite 400
Boca Raton, Florida, 33432
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